This work is a collaboration with the talented motion designer Hatim El Kadaoui that produced this animation movie for the company Fullwhere. The idea was to tell a story through sounds that presents the Brand as a problem solver, a dynamic company which impulses energy and confidence. The music, the logo and the sound effects arouse clearness and dynamism.
Title: Fullwhere
Motion Designer: Hatim El Kadaoui
Sound design, music & logo: Gopal Sound
Re sound design of a sequence of the PS1 game The Lost World Jurassic Park. All sounds have been made with everyday life sounds like kitchen robinet, fridge door, flush, umbrella, etc. Item sounds have been made with DAW synths.
Title: The Lost World Jurassic Park
Publishers: Electronic Arts / Sega
Developers: Dreamworks / Appaloosa Interactive
Gameplay: Ravenlord (from World of Longplays)
Sound design: Gopal Sound